The Mill’s Writer in Residence program is focused on fostering arts writing and criticism by emerging arts writers. This year The Mill will partner with Fine Print magazine for writing and editing support and with Scotch College for an additional Writer In Residence educational program.
Each Writer In Residence is provided with a 6 month residency at The Mill in a private studio, with The Mill commissioning three pieces of writing per artist and support them on a personal collaborative project.
About the writer:
Jennifer is writer and artist, having only recently moved to Adelaide / Kaurna country. Currently, she is a lecturer & tutor for the Aboriginal Pathway Program at UniSA. Jennifer studied art and creative writing at UNSW and critical legal studies at ANU. Her writing practice is motivated by the broad question of whether the notion of community - which is currently premised on an exclusive human ‘we’ - can be re-imagined so as to recognise and include ecological agency.
Her upcoming book Rethinking the Animal Rights Movement (Routledge) explores this question from historical and activist perspectives. Her writing has been published in Modern Fiction Studies, Borderlands e-journal and extempore.